
West Coast #1

I had my first visit to California lately.
I still can't believe I didn't need a passport to get out there.
Different country?

I went with some pals - some fun pals - and some just wonderful pals.

It was a really really really great week.

Some highlights include driving a KIA Soul around the mountains.  This was fun because the car is silly odd. The only reason we could drive it was because there was zero, no, nihil, nada snow in Tahoe.  Really?  I've never skiid in the west and I wind up in the worst winter "they've had in years." Everyone kept telling me this like it made me feel better.

Other highlights
- amazing hosts and the gym in the neighborhood. I know what you're thinking, that must be some gym.
- really great pals (I think I said that)
- San Fransisco
- Belly Dancers
- Throwing up bad Indian food after claiming I had a stomach of steel except in motion sickness realms
- The Montanas. They're no Appalachians but I loveth.
- Fondu
- Great wine
- Sunsets
- Great wine
- My very own daybed

yada yada yada
Here are some photos from our first day.
first things first. sign your life, children, house, and health over to the rental car agency

I learned people in Cally L-O-V-E the In and Out Burger. We went immediately here. We did not
animal style is the way to go. whatever that means

when i took this I thought, "what would it have been like to go to high school in CA?" Answer: A poorer version of 90210 and a much poorer version of The OC

andy was so happy for the in and out goods

bible verses on everything! this one is Nahum 1:7 
The LORD is good, 
   a refuge in times of trouble. 
He cares for those who trust in him,

this cup has Proverbs 3:5 
Trust in the LORD with all your heart 
   and lean not on your own understanding;

we caught a sunset over the bridge. really. it was timed perfectly because we got lost. thats #redemption


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